Holifit Blog

A space where I share with you all things health & happiness, recipes, my favourite products and more!

Lifestyle Tasha Dobie Lifestyle Tasha Dobie

The Incredible Benefits of Practicing Gratitude And Simple Steps On How To Start

When you make gratitude a part of your routine, it has a huge impact on your wellbeing. It’s the key to unlocking a happier and healthier life, which means it’s so important to create a daily ritual that allows you to appreciate all your blessings!

Unlike what a lot of people think, gratitude is more that giving thanks when you’re given a gift or helped out with a favour.

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Diet, Nutrition Tasha Dobie Diet, Nutrition Tasha Dobie

Healthiest Oils for Cooking and What to Avoid

If you’re trying to loose weight, you’ve probably thought about cutting back on the oils and fats within your diet. But when it comes to nutrition, not all fats are bad. In reality, there are many fats that are beneficial and really important for a healthy and balanced diet.

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